Nicky Pellegrino is an award-winning journalist, writing about health, science and lifestyle.
Nicky Pellegrino is an award-winning journalist, writing about health, science and lifestyle. Her non-fiction title about menopause Don’t Sweat It: How to Make ‘The Change’ a Good One was a bestseller. Nicky also consistently tops the fiction best-seller charts. With 15 novels to date, including Marry Me in Italy, Tiny Pieces of Us and To Italy, With Love, her stories have been translated into over 12 languages.

Taking control or taking a risk? Experts warn against pitfalls of at-home health tests
Self-tests promise control, but kits might do more harm than good.

'It's not just measles': Preventable childhood diseases on the rise
Falling vaccination rates leave NZ vulnerable to diseases we’ve grown complacent about.

Why your weekend sleep-in could hurt your heart
Science is increasingly showing regular sleep-wake routines are critical to heart health.

What the latest research reveals about insomnia and cannabis
Cannabis as medicine has come a long way in NZ. Could a cure for insomnia be next?

How vagus nerve stimulation could transform epilepsy care in NZ
Stimulating the vagus nerve could help sufferers of epilepsy, stroke and migraines.

Six things your dentist wishes you wouldn’t do
From sipping on sports drinks to vaping, stop these things if you want healthy teeth.

Diabetes care revolution: New tech offers life-changing benefits to thousands of NZers
The age of finger-pricking to check blood glucose levels is coming to an end.

Faster, smarter, safer: How new technology is changing prostate cancer care
New technology boosts survival rates and quality of life for Kiwi men.

New study reveals why exercise doesn’t work out for some osteoarthritis patients
Researchers find link between osteoarthritis, muscle weakness and the brain.

How prompt diagnosis could curb long Covid
Identifying and targeting symptoms early could lessen chances of developing long Covid.

New research indicates vaping risks even more serious for young users
Vaping now linked to poorer fitness among young adults, echoing smokers' struggles.

Peak season for legionnaires disease is here: How to stay safe in the garden
Spring and summer are peak season for potentially fatal disease linked to garden products.

Little-known organ is a key part of your immune system so why does ageing shrink it?
International efforts are underway to find strategies to restore thymus function.

Struggling with dry eye disease? A space experiment which might provide a breakthrough
Otago doctor ventures into space to combat earthly dry eye epidemic.

Exhausted? You might not need more sleep, but a different type of rest
There are seven types of rest, the one for you depends on what's causing your exhaustion.

World’s largest drug survey to help users reduce risk and governments make smarter policies
Focusing on reducing harm, the Global Drug Survey has been collecting data since 1999.

Why mopping floors could reduce your cancer risk
Movement that is a normal part of daily living could just save your life.

Young & forgetful: Reducing your chance of developing dementia early
The symptoms can start as early as your 30s or 40s.

Legionnaires’ peak season is ahead: How to minimise the risk
Symptoms for the potentially fatal respiratory disease include muscle aches and fever.

Latest research suggests coffee can protect people against Parkinson’s disease
"When you look at people with Parkinson’s disease, none of them are the same."

Missing the mark: Why using BMI is outdated
Experts are arguing that health symptoms are more important than a target weight.

Next stop, cancer? How mRNA vaccines can target other diseases
NZ is central to research that may lead to a vaccine for malaria – and eventually cancer.

Sole survivors: Why active people have longer and happier lives
We need to remodel not just our bodies, but our cities and workplaces.

Mushroom magic: Is psilocybin the cure for anorexia nervosa?
A hallucinogenic compound found in mushrooms is offering new hope for the disorder.

How honest arguments make us smarter at work and happier at home
Pretending everything is okay to avoid conflict can have long-term consequences.

New test could be life-changing for people at risk of cardiac disease
GP is convinced new machine can make a difference compared to usual risk prediction tool.

New self-test for cervical cancer a possible game changer
Out will go the old pap smear test, to be replaced with a newer test that checks for HPV.

The side effects to look out for with some over-the-counter medications
"When you buy a drug over the counter, no one is assessing what your risk might be."

Defying age: The new treatments already on the way
Average life expectancy in NZ is 81.86 years. We are on the cusp of that changing: expert.

Spinal hack: Tips for dealing with lower back pain
Back pain is the No 1 cause of physical disability. The bad news is, rest is no cure.

Depriving cancer of carbs may become an effective treatment
A Waikato metabolic neurologist brings hope to people with an aggressive brain tumour.

Sports bras aren’t just fashion: It's time to change our views
New studies are looking into how women's breasts can best be protected with sports bras.

Is infecting yourself with human hookworms an effective health treatment?
Scientists are investigating the potential of human hookworms to treat various conditions.

Therapist diagnosed with ADHD sharing coping strategies with others
She has treated high-achieving businesspeople and lawyers who struggle with daily life.

New drug may slow heart failure, NZ researchers believe
Hopes are high for a new drug tackle multiple life-threatening conditions.

Breakthrough study discovers cause behind IBS
IBS has been poorly understood. But a new study will help with future interventions.

Covid-19 infection can make people vulnerable to shingles
Shingles is a painful viral infection, and few people qualify for its funded vaccine.

It’s never too late to start exercising
Exercising throughout life aids brain health, but late starters can reap the benefits too.