Letters: Repent at leisure
The Greens and Labour Maori manifestos are scary, says a reader.
The Greens and Labour Maori manifestos are scary, says a reader.
A reader witnesses yet again the endless parade of political promises from all and sundry
Politicians seem to believe if you repeat a lie often enough it will become true.
It was great to see farmers keen on doing the right thing to keep stock out of waterways
When did the world ask to be conquered by anyone, Chinese or otherwise? a reader asks
There are many taonga documents under the control of the Chief Archivist, says a reader.
The export of bottled water has become the focus of an emotional debate
This shameless election campaign surely reached its nadir, writes Peter Jackson
Around 50 per cent of NZ's greenhouse gas emissions are from livestock, says a reader
The council is in peril if it doesn't take the recent uprising from dog owners seriously.
Northland District Health Board responds to claims they "weren't listening".
It didn't take long for battle lines to be drawn over National's idea of boot camps.
We have unprecedented homelessness and 150,000 children living in poverty, says a reader.
New Zealand is trailing many countries in our carbon reduction efforts.
Freshwater mussels are generally found out of the main flow of rivers and streams
A reader is angry an Opua street has been renamed without proper consultation.
The Greens have certainly kept us entertained this election, says Peter Jackson
Pet dog owners in the Bay of Islands may need help with the new proposed dog bylaws.
Metiria Turei has created a tangled web, even if she refuses to see it, says Peter Jackson
I have been a staunch advocate for a solution to mitigating pressures on inshore fisheries
We constantly hear about the consequences of the government's tight-fisted attitude.
One very important facet of local government is transparency, says a reader
A reader was not surprised a section of Perehipe Rerserve will be leased.
Is this election really about creating a happier, healthier, more prosperous New Zealand?
A reader wonders if an old Pak'n Save building could become a Performing Arts centre.
The housing crisis is having a massive impact across the country, says Winston Peters
Tim Beveridge is struggling to accept the self-justification flowing from Metiria Turei.
A reader wonders if 'unity' must mean forced assimilation of 'the other' in NZ culture.
Carers play a vital role in our community, says guest writer Ray Lind.