Letter to the Editor Thursday October 30, 2014
Reading the New Zealand Herald and watching Parliament this week, one could be forgiven for thinking that the 2014 election hadn't yet taken place.
Reading the New Zealand Herald and watching Parliament this week, one could be forgiven for thinking that the 2014 election hadn't yet taken place.
I am so upset having learned that Specsavers are closing. My letter to you is the best way of protest I know. A knock to our lovely town we could well do without.
SMALL towns don't like seeing businesses close, so it is hardly surprising that one Northland Age reader (so far) has taken exception to seeing time called for Kaitaia's Specsavers.
It is unbelievable, the haste with which TVNZ chased up Hone Harawira to ask if he knew anything about Patrick Awarau's charges.
It came out this week that Treasury had advised the government that school breakfasts had no measurable impact on educational performance.
THE recent spate of boating mishaps has once again prompted calls from some quarters to make the wearing of life jackets compulsory.
It's certainly good to read of the co-operation at the Mayoral Forum between our Northland councils as described by Mayor John Carter in his Northland Age column.
I support Klaus Kurz' comments (Cats too slow, Northern Advocate September 26).
WHATEVER the benefits of the so-called social media might turn out to be, it is doubtful that they will outweigh the negatives.
This year's crime statistics, for Northland at least, have a ring of truth about them.
An open letter to Krim Dotcom, Hoha Hone and Ms Harre.
THE Earth shifted on its axis for some of us last month.
Scrap GST This week's Sunday programme (TV1) featured the demise of rural towns. While internet purchases are affecting smaller retailers, large New Zealand-owned and overseas-owned retail chains.
For the first time since licensing began in this country, a local authority now has the power to determine how the liquor industry serves the community so that the least harm is created by both the sale and hours of consumption.
An oily question Here we are, a small group of two islands in the South Pacific, self-reliant on what we can export, from dairy products and produce. In real terms we aren't a rich country, but....