Latest fromNLA - Opinion

Letter to the Editor, Tuesday April 14, 2015
If there were any initiatives applied to enforce, during the Easter break, the "no exceptions" policy that Inspector Murray Hodson described in the article 'Road rules apply on the beach as well' (Northland Age January 22) they were notably ineffective.

Editorial Tuesday March 24, 2015
WIN OR LOSE, National won't forget the 2015 by-election in Northland in a hurry. And win or lose, hopefully it will have learned not to take the region's support for granted.

Letter to the Editor, Thursday March 19, 2015
It always disheartens me to see the lack of application of soil erosion principles to basic roadside stormwater drainage...

Letter to the Editor, Tuesday March 17, 2015
Open letter to Hon Nathan Guy, Minister for Primary Industries, regarding Houhora Harbour marine exploitation and recreational status request.

Editorial Tuesday March 17, 2015
The relief that swept over the country when the developers who had planned to fell a supposedly 500-year-old kauri tree in West Auckland backed down...

Letter to the Editor, Thursday March 12, 2015
In reply to Mayor John Carter's article, Places powered by people (Northland Age, March 5), as a member of the Te Hiku Sports Hub I would like to present again our vision for Kaitaia as centre of the top of New Zealand, Te Hiku ward.

Editorial Tuesday March 10, 2015
IT WOULD be nice if politicians and took a leaf out of Hippocrates' book, and resolved to first do no harm. Too often policies, supposedly devised by politicians and enacted by bureaucrats, do very real harm, nine times out of 10 for no better reason than

Letter to the Editor, Thursday March 05, 2015
Six months ago the ferocious bombardment on Gaza stopped. While the guns may have fallen silent the war continues for the children of Gaza.

Letter to the Editor, Tuesday March 03, 2015
I would like to take this opportunity of writing to your paper to express our thanks for the many acts of kindness and support we experienced when our campervan and a truck collided....

Letter to the Editor, Tuesday February 24, 2015
The teenage brain is a strange and fascinating place...

Editorial Tuesday February 24, 2015
HERE'S a prediction. One day the Queensland fruit fly will arrive in New Zealand, establish itself to the point where it breeds, and our commercial fruit industry will be dog tucker...

Letter to the Editor Thursday February 19, 2015
In reply to the article re Pawarenga Broncos applying for entry to the RLN league. I take this time to explain our thoughts and why we are taking this step.

Letter to the Editor Tuesday February 17, 2015
On January 25 (yesterday, as I write this) one of my children suffered an injury involving three or possibly four broken bones...

Editorial Tuesday February 17, 2015
THE POINT, let alone the creative merit, of a good deal of art these days probably eludes most of us...

Letter to the Editor, Tuesday February 10, 2015
I note with interest the letter from Mr Simon Allan Wet Crew and Committee Member - Far North Radio and Sea Rescue, January 26.

Editorial Tuesday February 10, 2015
IT DOES little to inspire confidence in local government that its national body sees new taxes as the answer to revenue woes.

Letter to the Editor Thursday February 5, 2015
It is 20 years since the treaty settlement process began in earnest. Settlements have gone some way to right the wrongs, and build Maori community strength.

Letter to the Editor February 3, 2015
I realise that Moon from Nelson has every right to freedom of speech, as do I. But being a prime example of a Maori-bashing redneck that has absolutely no idea...

Editorial Tuesday February 3, 2015
NEW ZEALAND FIRST leader Winston Peters initially showed some modicum of restraint when Northland MP Mike Sabin announced his resignation from politics on Friday...

Letter to the Editor Thursday January 29, 2015
Rueben Porter (good Maori name that!) can march wherever he likes. There is no law against it, and the exercise may do him good.