Editorial, Tuesday July 14, 2015
SOMEONE should stump up with a couple of million to pay for research into how wisely a lot of the millions spent on research is being spent.
SOMEONE should stump up with a couple of million to pay for research into how wisely a lot of the millions spent on research is being spent.
Nearly two years on since Mayor Carter was elected and what has been achieved? Very little, I say. The SFO investigation had all prior councillors and Wayne Brown under suspicion, along with the entire council management team.
Christopher Findlay's letter (In good faith, July 2) talks up the Te Hiku claims settlements, but it leaves me wondering if he really knows what good faith is or what on Earth he has done.
REMEMBER the old days, when kids got opportunities based on talent? When those who were handy on the football field made the 1st XV, those who could sing or act starred in the annual school production, and those who could reason were chosen for the debati
Many people have asked me to speak up on Ngati Hine's position in the wake of recent events regarding Sonny Tau and questions about his conduct and ability to continue to lead Ngpuhi in any capacity...
The continued hunting of wood pigeons makes me feel nothing but despair. All over Northland there are many people like myself giving up their days, weeks and years...
THE protection that was afforded the kukupa the best part of a century ago is unequivocal.
Cr Radich's impressive headline (Concern over the future of beach access for all, Northland Age Tuesday June 16) seems to me to replicate Helen Clark's famous whinge of 2004 regarding the foreshore and seabed (F&S).
There are so many excellent reasons for believing in euthanasia. Here are some from a country where euthanasia has been practised for 10 years now.
"Your readers need the facts on the table about Northland College and what's being done to sort it out".
Nothing, he added last week, was going to be achieved by "jumping up and down and carrying on," Mr Lunders said.
Every night we had a chorus of the morepork and the high-pitched kiwi calls. Although very well camouflaged and hard to see, kiwi used to track across the front lawn.
I want to share a short moment in the life of my baby girl. I never intended to share this story, but I believe it should be told.
A WORLD-CLASS education system that is available to all regardless of class, income or anything else, has always been the foundation of the egalitarian society that is New Zealand. But it has never been free.
Freedom of the Press is only part of freedom of expression. Freedom of expression includes your and my freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds. Freedom of expression underpins our way of life in New Zealand.
There are so many negatives portrayed in our communities, I thought I would highlight a recent positive event for Ngapuhi.
It was interesting to hear today on National Radio of the solution by the FNDC to the problem of collecting rates on land with multiple owners, such as Maori land.
We write to you to voice our condemnation at the forced closure of Aboriginal communities in Australia as a result of your government's policies. We ask that your government honour its obligations to Australia's First Peoples.