Kaitāia old boys part of NZDF Blacks team
Kaitāia College duo playing at World Military Rugby Championship in France.
Kaitāia College duo playing at World Military Rugby Championship in France.
New $1.3m fire station for Cavalli, while Ōkaihau station upgraded.
Senior students at Kaitāia College enjoy out-of-this-world ball.
The 3-month-old was not harnessed into her seat and was surrounded by airbags.
Two Far North golfing buddies have created a business turning gorse into golf tees.
New base at Ōpua for Coastguard Bay of Islands.
News snippets from the Far North.
Kaitāia kids learning about space and science at interactive roadshow
Robyn Malcolm and Tem Morrison star in Far North drug bust drama
Jamie Werner has earned the Department of Conservation's top ranger award.
Kerikeri artist Jane Molloy-Wolt up for Parkin Drawing Prize.
News snippets from the Far North.
End of the road for Kaitāia’s Hike and Bike hostel
A pride-inspiring group of Far North dancers have returned home triumphant.
Student of former Wainui Bay School devastated to see the iconic building destroyed.
News snippets from the Far North.
A suspicious fire has destroyed an old Far North school that had been a recreation centre.
Big names come out for 38th Bay of Islands Jazz and Blues Festival
News snippets from the Far North.
Far North residents can apply for Government funding for past and future weather events.
Kaitāia may have battle to retain Most Beautiful Small Town title.
Winners of the NRC Whakamānawa ā Taiao - Environmental Awards will be announced tomorrow.
Northland electorate has jobs for people wanting to be part of 2023 general election team.
Nami Verasche from Pak’nSave Kaitāia takes out Northland Checker of the Year competition.
Kaitāia's Anō Anō sessions turning discarded fabric into new creations.
Fireworks and fun mark Bay of Islands' Te Tau Hou Māori Puanga Matariki Celebrations.
News snippets from the Far North.
As one Far North chef supports local growers, a shift towards homegrown is sprouting
A Kaitāia charity is exhausted by demand following the SPCA centre's permanent closure.
Doubtless Bay and Hokianga have been added to revamped Koast, The Tai Tokerau Art Trail.