The Home Interaction Programme for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY) has been a big part of early childhood education in the Far North since it arrived in the district in 1999.
On the final day of term two, HIPPY- Kaitaia - Te Runanga o Te Rarawa held its 2016 graduation ceremony, starting with a hikoi around Kaitaia supported by whanau and friends.
The children were dressed in korowai their mothers had created for the occasion to celebrate the conclusion of their engagement with the two-year HIPPY programme, which empowers parents to teach their tamariki skills they need to make a successful start at school.
HIPPY tamariki also attend Early Childhood Education Services, as the programme is 15 minutes a day at home working with the parent/caregiver, so is easy to include into the child's day.
HIPPY graduates were presented with certificates and gifts by Te Runanga o Te Rarawa CEO Kevin Robinson and principal advisor/support services Te Runanga o Te Rarawa, Ellen Graham.