Fine but windy conditions dominated when the Far North RSA Bowling Club completed an open mixed triples event at the end of March.
Teams from Cooper's Beach, Church Road and the host club members contested the annual Spanhake Engineering tournament, where some bowlers were challenged by a wind which strengthened later in the day.
After four completed games, president Ian Macnee thanked the generous sponsorship and all the members who helped to ensure the day was a success.
The top placegetters were, Brian Cavey, Shirley Crabtree and Shirley Young (RSA/ Church) 4 wins, 22 ends, 27 points 1; Pam and Jim Naylor with Clive Scahill (Cooper's ) 4, 20, 49, 2; Neil and Shirley Marr, Nancy Page (Cooper's) 3, 21, 45, 3; with the lucky draw won by Alan Dow, Linda Freeman and Alan Bright.
OTHER NEWS. The Far North RSA also recently completed a number of championships on its domestic programme for the 2015/16 season including the men's and women's junior pairs championship titles.