Parties involved in seeking a united approach to Ngapuhi Treaty negotiations and settlement will hold five wananga in the North and a sixth in Auckland to tell whanau and hapu what is going on and seek their input.
The wananga - arranged by Te Kotahitanga o Nga Hapu Ngapuhi Taiwhenua, Tuhoronuku Independent Mandated Authority, the Crown and others concerned about the Ngapuhi mandate - begin with the first meeting at Kaka Porowini Marae in Whangarei at 4pm today.
The second wananga is at Te Pokapu Centre, 7 Wynyard St, Kawakawa, at 9.30am tomorrow, the third at Kokokota Marae at Titoki at 9.30am on Thursday, the fourth at the same time at Mataitaua Marae at Horeke on Friday and the fifth at 9.30am, at Parawhenua Marae at Ohaeawai on Saturday.
The sixth wananga will be at Te Muhurehure Marae at Pt Chevalier in Auckland at 2pm on Sunday.
Te Kotahitanga, Tuhoronuku and the Crown are trying to resolve issues raised by the Waitangi Tribunal's Ngapuhi Mandate Inquiry. A report provided to the Northland Age last week about discussions held between the trio from January 26 to February 10 in Kawakawa was the latest of four progress reports produced by the parties.