Top Energy chief executive Russell Shaw has denied that the company is unwilling to engage with the Peria community over plans to route a new 110kV electricity line through the area.
"I have already met with representatives of the Peria community to listen to their concerns on our proposed route and approach to consultation, and I am happy to continue to meet with small groups and provide updates on our progress," he said.
"Our experience is that large public meetings are unproductive, as individuals often do not obtain the information they would like."
The company had a preferred route but that was not set in stone. "We provide land owners with our preference and work with them to agree a workable solution, including avoidance of wahi tapu and historic sites," Mr Shaw said.
"The land under the agreed line route is then valued and compensation paid to the owner. The compensation payment is, indeed, confidential, as you would expect in any commercial transaction.