Rob and Rachel Thompson might well be ordering a bigger mantelpiece for their home just outside Kaitaia to accommodate the trophies their daughters Beverly and Katie won at Kaitaia College and Pompallier Catholic School respectively last year.
Beverly, who begins Year 12 this year, was the college intermediate girls' athletics champion, was recognised for effort in athletics, and received the fair play/sportsmanship award, earned when she went to the assistance of a fellow triathlon competitor who was in some distress and accompanied her to the finish line.
Katie, who begins Year 9 at Kaitaia College this year, shared Pompallier's Mill Family Trophy for mercy with Mateja Matijevich, won the King and Spaans Trophy for academic excellence, and shared the Radojkovich Trophy for excellence in maths with Alex= Ujdur.
The other major winners at Pompallier's 'praisegiving' included Milan Carey and Rylee Windleborn (the trophy for effort and progress in learning, in memory of Georgia Buckingham and Finn Spaans), Tamara Smith (the Sister Martin Cup for courtesy and co-operation), Milan Carey and Mario Baker (the Dobson Family Cup for contribution to the school).
Kira Watson was the girls' sports champion, with the boys' title being shared by Hunter Masters, Mario Baker and Milan Carey.