By Peter Gill
Peter Gill is the co-founder of the NZ Motoring Writers' Guild and author of the HarperCollins book "Ten Times Round The Clock".
He recently moved to Kerikeri.
Here I was at the Kaikohe supermarket the other day and parked next to a Toyota Enema. Did I say Toyota Enema? That's what I thought the badge on this aging used import people carrier said, but I didn't have my glasses on. I find that I need my glasses increasingly these days and my old English teacher was right. It DOES send you blind even if it's taken over 40 years for it to happen.
But back to car names and some on used imported cars beggar belief. The other day in Kawakawa I saw a smart
little Mitsubishi. And the name of the model? Dingo. But wait! There's more! There is an irony. The Mitsubishi Dingo sported a sign in the window saying "Baby On Board."
Still on the subject of Mitsubishi, there's an intriguing story behind the name of the Starion Mitsubishi muscle car of a few years back. I do not mock the way foreigners handle English because they can usually speak my language far better than I can theirs but these things can have their amusing side.