Fire and Emergency is once again to urging Northlanders to comply withe the total fire ban that applies throughout the region, with the avoidable fire total for the region so far this year now ell over 100, and counting.
"A total fire ban means people should not be lighting ANY fires, including rubbish fires," region manager Ron Devlin said.
"We've been working hard alongside our partner agencies to get this message through to Northlanders, but unfortunately some people are continuing to ignore the total fire ban and are lighting fires anyway.
"We'd rather educate and work alongside our communities to reduce the fire danger, but if people keep ignoring Northland's fire ban we can and we will seriously consider issuing infringement notices or prosecuting. There is extreme fire danger currently, and in these conditions a fire can have catastrophic consequences."
It had taken three helicopters to get a 5ha fire at Paparore under control on Friday.