"Recent examples include the launch of TUPU in April, which will support Te Hiku whānau into employment in the horticulture sector.
"It also includes $8 million to purchase and install water tanks for homes and community facilities in the Te Hiku area."
Minister for Māori Development Willie Jackson said there were opportunities for the partnership with Te Hiku to be bold.
"The Te Hiku-Crown Social Accord is a great example of how a Te Tiriti relationship can grow and improve," Jackson said.
"We're committed to ensuring positive outcomes under the accord are long-term."
The Te Hiku Social Accord was negotiated as part of the Te Hiku/Far North Iwi Treaty Settlement legislation, placing iwi at the decision-making table alongside government agencies that invest in social services, education, and justice.
In 2020 an addendum to the Te Hiku-Crown Social Accord was signed, sitting alongside the original accord to revise and reset certain elements and to introduce new commitments.
The addendum was designed to fit future needs and recognised some clauses of the accord were not working or were no longer relevant.
Te Hiku Iwi Development Trust chair Rhonda Kite ONZM said the past three years had proven what worked.
"As a collective partnership, our relationship is strong and we work well together.
"As partners, we find ways to fix things in the system to work more effectively so we can all better serve our whānau/families."
Chief executive of Te Hiku Iwi Development Trust Carol Berghan agreed the accord allowed for close scrutiny on serious issues impacting Te Hiku whānau, such as intergenerational harm, unemployment, poor education, housing and health.
"The accord unites us in a co-governance arrangement – we're all comfortable with direct honest conversations and the goodwill that comes when you share a common goal," Berghan said.
"The accord had a slow start in 2013 but we are moving in the right direction now.
"We have agreed to a locally driven and centrally supported approach where we work together as Rangatira.
"Te Hiku is bursting with amazing initiatives and opportunities and the success of various initiatives is due to our local unsung heroes who are doing great work and are what makes Te Hiku a wonderful place to live".