Te Roopu Wahine Māori toko i te ora o Te Taitokerau made a big impression on last month's national Māori Women's Welfare League conference in Whakaoriori (Masterton), and returned home with eight trophies.
The Mangataiore (Victoria Valley) branch entered four categories in the arts and crafts competitions, winning Te Ngira o Pakowhai Trophy (for rangatahi contemporary art), the Simon Snowden Memorial Trophy (for carving) and the Ikaroa Trophy (for a Māori resource book for pre-school children), while students from Te Rangi Aniwaniwa, te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Pukemiro and Rawhitiroa won five trophies (New generation excels, October 24).
Eight national trophies represented a real milestone for Te Tai Tokerau, Mangataiore branch president Manawarangi Hohaia said the region's greatest success since Ngā Pu Kōrero began in 1977.
"Congratulations to all those who participated and supported our rangatahi of Te Tai Tokerau, and our very own local branch in Kaitaia, making an impact at national conference 2019," she said.