Northland Coroner Brandt Shortland has found that the setting sun played a role in a crash at Kaeo on June 8, 2010, that claimed the life of three-year-old Harlan Batters-Ellis.
Mr Shortland noted, at the conclusion of an in-chambers hearing, that there was clear evidence that a low setting sun had had an impact on the judgement of the deceased's mother, Kelly Batters, who was driving the car in which he was a passenger. That was consistent with the fact that Ms Batters did not see the Toyota utility her car collided with until she was "upon it"; she had attempted to swerve around it but was unsuccessful, her car crossing the centre line and crashing into a tourist bus.
He found that Ms Batters was "more than likely" distracted for a moment immediately before the crash, although it was not "absolute" whether that was the result of her taking her eyes off the road, the sun's rays or something that caught her attention. For whatever reason, she had been unable to stop in time to avoid the collision, the consequences of that being fatal for her son.
Mr Shortland found that Harlan Batters-Ellis died of extensive head and other injuries. The question whether anyone should be prosecuted was one for the police.
The inquest heard that Cooper's Beach woman Jennifer Waldron was driving north shortly before 5pm, police evidence suggesting that the setting sun had affected her vision and ability to drive safely. Ms Waldron had slowed, and when she perceived that a car was approaching on her side of the road she swerved left, her car leaving the road and coming to rest in a ditch some 850 metres north of the SH10/Omanu Road intersection.