Physical work on Phase 2 of Kaitaia's Te Hiku Sports Hub is due to begin in May, with the facility now expected to be opened in 12 months.
Far North District Council chief executive Shaun Clarke said detailed structural, engineering, ventilation and other designs for the aquatic centre were nearing completion, and a building consent for the work was due to be issued by the end of the month.
Tenders were now being called, and a contractor was expected to be appointed in late April. Phase 1 of the project, the development of playing fields, car parking and a 2km fitness circuit connecting the Hub to Te Ahu, was completed in 2018.
The project is jointly funded by the government's Provincial Growth Fund ($3 million), Lotteries ($500,000), Foundation North ($1.1 million), the Northland Regional Council/Sport Northland ($1.4 million) and the Far North District Council ($3 million).