A complaint will be lodged with the Far North District Council over the dumping of spoil at the junction of State Highway 10 and Kohumaru Road, just south of Mangonui, and at the nearby junction of State Highway 10 and Backriver Road, a little further north.
A local kuia had taken photos of the spoil on Kohumaru Road, Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu chief executive Anahera Herbert-Graves said, adding that the locals believed they had identified the company ("or more accurately their drivers") responsible.
"Whoever was responsible, this sweet-tempered kuia has seen the results for herself, and it is not acceptable to her, or to the mana whenua hapu at Kenana," Mrs Herbert-Graves said.
"As you can see, a 'No Dumping' sign is almost buried under one of the piles of spoil. Although it looks pretty old, and may even be hand-made, I think the intentions of both the signwriter and whoever dumped the spoil are equally clear."