Kaitaia ladies
The Far North was blessed with a perfect weather day of warmth and sunshine and no wind for the Kaitaia ladies holding their annual 36/18 hole open last Thursday.
Although representation from other clubs was down from previous years, the event organisers said they had a very good muster of our own ladies who enjoyed the excellent playing conditions of the course, this being the result of the very hard work of the greenkeeper and his team of helpers.
On behalf of the club they also expressed their gratitude to the sponsors who gave generously of money and produce, and without whom tournaments such as this, would be difficult to continue, given the growing trend for reduced numbers entering competition fields.
Results of this tournament are as follows, best gross: Kerry Rolleston 84, 1st, Kyra Rapana 87, 2nd; nett: Marj Duncan 71, Noeleen Robson 74, Dianne Collins 76, Brenda Muller 77, Tommy Bellingham 78cb (on countback); stableford: Lynn McCarthny 36, Elaine Hammond 34, Elaine Knightbridge 32, Fay Patterson 31cb, Liz Proctor 31. Elaine Knightbridge won nearest to the pin, and also had the only 2 in the field; 9-hole winners were, nett: Hazel Ulkeman, Noeline Masters (both) 39cb; stableford: Barbara Nock 16, Ros Simpson 15cb; while NTP and 2s went by lot to Barbara Nock and Oriel Barnes respectively.