The Far North District Council has the agreements and the infrastructure in place to begin taking water from Lake Ōmāpere, but one hurdle remains to be cleared.
The Northland DHB has concerns regarding the lake's susceptibility to algal blooms, and has required the council to add further barriers to its treatment process against cyanobacteria toxins. Specialists have been engaged to reconfigure the treatment process and are finalising a design.
"We are making good progress on this, but can't say at this stage when this work will be completed," a council spokesman said.
The council, working with the Lake Ōmāpere Trust, plans to take up to 1500 cubic metres of water a day from the lake for 100 days, supplementing the Wairoro Stream, which provides most of Kaikohe's water but is flowing at critically low levels. The Ōmāpere Taraire E Rangihamama X3A Ahuwhenua Trust has also given permission to pipe the water 2.8km over its land to the water treatment plant via a fire service-style hose on loan from Refining NZ's Marsden Point facility.
The council has deployed generators, and a submersible water pump was put in place by helicopter on Friday.