Community conservation projects throughout Northland have received nearly $800,000 from the Department of Conservation to reach their goals of protecting native plants and wildlife.
They were among 168 from throughout New Zealand that benefited from $8 million from the DoC Community Fund, including $500,000 to three Otago projects supporting the nationally endangered hoiho/yellow-eyed penguin, named Bird of the Year for 2019.
The biggest beneficiary in Northland was Kaitiaki Kiwi, which received $174,411 to expand predator control network for kiwi protection in the Waipoua Forest.
Puketi Forest Trust got $144,000 to undertake control of introduced predators to protect the existing kokako population and plan for follow-up translocations.
Te Runanga o Taumarere ki Rakaumangamanga applied for and received $114,000 towards nine hapu and six marae surrounding the Russell State Forest that will develop a 20-year health plan to establish and sustain the health of the forest.