Mr Samuels said he understood the pressures on Mr Little, who would have to show strength and make decisions.
"It is very dangerous to procrastinate and to string out this process — it's non-productive to both sides because many people are suffering from hui-itis and I wouldn't like people to see this as some sort of ongoing situation," he said.
The Ngapuhi settlement conflict goes back to 2011 when Tuhoronuku sought the mandate for direct negotiations but Te Kotahitanga opposed this.
When Tuhoronuku was granted the mandate in 2014 several opposing hapu went to the Waitangi Tribunal and were granted an urgent hearing into the Crown's recognition of the mandate.
The tribunal found while Tuhoronuku's mandate was legitimate its structures undermined hapu rangatiratanga (sovereignty). As a result, an engagement group comprising the Crown, Te Kotahitanga and Tuhoronuku formed Maranga Mai, a document which recommended a way forward. But in June then Prime Minister Bill English told Tuhoronuku and Te Kotahitanga the Crown would step away while Ngapuhi worked something out.
Mr Samuels acknowledged Mr Little has inherited a situation that could have been more favourable, but commended he "got off his backside very quickly".
"Whatever he does there's no way in the world he is going to get complete support unanimously from Ngapuhi, and you wouldn't expect that."
Mr Ruka attended the hui on behalf of Ngapuhi hapu Te Uroiori, Te Parawhau, and Te Mahurehure ki Whatitiri and said Ngapuhi was well represented.
He said some people who spoke focused on the past, which Mr Ruka understood.
But he appreciated the speeches from those who wanted to move forward.
"Two kuia gave excellent educated response about each hapu being resourced to move forward.
"A lot were of a tone of 'we are ready, help us to get to the table'."
Last Friday, representatives from Te Kotahitanga and Tuhoronuku met separately with Mr Little and Ms Mahuta.