Ngā Hoe Horo Waka Ama club has come home triumphant from the national long distance championships in Picton over the weekend triumphant, with a hoard of 11 gold medals, six silver and five bronze.
Team Tiare coach Chev Reti said the club's juniors, boys and girls, had been particularly impressive this year, following a strong national sprint campaign in January with another powerful showing in the long distance championships.
Team Tiare won gold in the J16 girls' division, all six of the team also racing in singles events. Waitangi Piripi won gold and Chelsea Reti bronze in the rudderless singles race, then a back to back race in the ruddered singles saw Chelsea collect gold and team mate Āria Heta silver.
The Black Broncos J16 men's team this time comprised a combination from the three original waka ama clubs in New Zealand, two from Ngā Hoe Horo, two from Mitamitaga o Le Pasifika (Whangārei), and two from Mareikura Waka Ama (Gisborne). It had very much been a case of needs must according to Black Broncos coach Jason Reti.
"Due to the cost of getting to Picton from Kaitaia we knew we couldn't afford to take six boys ourselves, so we came up with the idea of amalgamating the three oldest clubs in the country and showing what that depth of experience and club culture can do when we work together for a common goal," he said.