As the sun rose on Easter Monday, members of Ngāi Takoto iwi and the local Awanui community were joined by Te Tai Tokerau MP Kelvin Davis for the unveiling and blessing of a taonga (treasure) representing responsibility for the environment.
Te Runanga o Ngāi Takoto delegate Awhi Marsden explained the pou whenua (tomokanga) Ngā Manu told the physical metaphorical story of the many birds found in the Awanui area — in particular the kāhu and matuku (bittern).
“The chosen colours acknowledge the late Hiraina Marsden (Ngāi Takoto) and others who played a pivotal role in the design of the Tino Rangatiratanga flag,” he said.
“The significance of such taonga to Ngāi Takoto means we have a responsibility as mana whenua to those who come through these gateways to educate about looking after our environment, our lands and our water.
“And in reciprocation, they have an introduction and understanding of who we are as Ngāi Takoto iwi.”