A young mother will die this Christmas because Trevor Mallard falsely accused a parliamentary staffer of sexual abuse and made taxpayers foot the bill for the legal action and claim settlement.
While Mr Mallard will enjoy a lovely Christmas with friends and family, the young father and his children will have a miserable Christmas, he without his loving wife and the children without their mother.
Trevor Mallard will continue his parliamentary career, getting paid nearly $300,000 a year plus expenses, plus a parliamentary pension and free air travel for the rest of his life when he retires, while a young family will have to endure the loss of the most important person in their lives for the rest of theirs.
The $333,000 it cost the taxpayer to settle Mr Mallard's false accusations could have funded the cancer drugs necessary to have kept not just one, but several vibrant young women alive.
Mr Mallard clearly thinks that spending that $333,000 on settling a legal issue of his own making is more important than prolonging the lives of women with breast cancer.