Thank you for another thoughtful editorial on August 28.
You have written that criminal offending arises from "such as poverty, lack of education, unemployment, drug and alcohol addiction, an appalling lack of effective mental health services, disconnection from society". And you went on to write that "we need to reinstate the family as the cornerstone of society", and "every child needs ... to know that [s/he is] part of a family, a community, a society that values and will protect [him/her]".
Of course you are right. And surely everyone, even including our elite, superior parliamentarians, knows that. But the communities we used to know as neighbourhoods have been destroyed, deliberately, by feminism.
And it's from the destruction of those caring communities, composed of stable families, that the criminalising factors you've mentioned spring.
But feminism is in control of the Western once-was-Christian world, and nothing will improve until it has been eradicated.