Once again I feel the need to write on behalf of all Far North road users regarding the dangerous state of a short section of State Highway 10 near Taipa, a short distance from the new Taipa bridge that is currently under construction.
Correspondence I received from the previous minister, Simon Bridges, in March of last year stated that NZTA had instructed its contractors "to monitor the site and repair as needed". In terms of that instruction I can only advise that this has not been achieved.
I acknowledge that the particular location is on a subsidence zone. However, I do not accept this as an excuse for not carrying out some temporary repairs to make the area safe.
I find it unbelievable that motorists should be expected to negotiate this area for months on end, experiencing the severe jolt that is inflicted every time one travels this section of roadway.
My main concern is for the unsuspecting motorist suddenly hitting this with little or no warning of the danger ahead save for a 'Uneven Surface' sign which does nothing to warn of the jolt they are about to receive.