The application by Opua boatyard owner Doug Schmuck to establish a private marina at Walls Bay has been declined, November 6, following extended hearings by NRC commissioners.
Submitters opposed are relieved that this tranquil area of the Opua Basin has not been given over to inappropriate development, and remains, as it should, as an offset or counter-balance to Far North Holdings' extensive commercial developments south of Opua wharf along the Kawakawa river mouth.
Of greater significance was the result of the scientific testing required for the application, which identified serious levels of heavy metal contamination of the Walls Bay foreshore fanning out from where the boatyard access slipway meets the Coastal Marine Area (CMA).
The evidence suggests it is likely that Walls Bay reserve has also been contaminated. Some extracts from the findings of the commissioners:
The report at paragraph 239 states: Further sediment sampling is required to understand the full extent and depth of the contaminated sediments.'
At paragraph 241: 'In our view, remediation of the polluted sediments by removal from the CMA and disposal at a land-based facility should be undertaken as soon as possible.' At paragraph 187: 'In our view, the soil in the reserve adjacent to the slipway is likely to have been contaminated by activities undertaken on the slipway.'