Councillor Foy judges that Kerikeri does not need three new roads included in the 2018-2028 draft Long Term Plan (LTP).
While having been elected to represent her ward she will be part of the jury that decides on the final plan. Councillors are expected to act at large — ie. in the interests of the whole district — and she will have had ample personal opportunity to influence the LTP at planning meetings within council. We do not need populist politics.
It is Councillor Foy's opinion that the money should be spent on roads elsewhere. Try telling that to those who experience Kerikeri's congestion daily. Do visit us.
The LTP notes that 85 per cent of population growth of the Far North in the past 20 years has been in and around Kerikeri and that most of the growth to 2042 will also be there. Kerikeri township's resident population is about 7500 but Kerikeri is an expanding service centre for much of the mid-North.
For example, there are 16500 people on the rolls of its three medical practices — about 30 per cent of the whole Far North population.