Different directions
Just over 50 years ago I attended a 'Get the North Moving' hui in the Kaikohe Hall. There was a good mixture of people who were very concerned about unemployment, roading problems, lack of government ideas and action, crime figures and education etc.
There was a collection of concerned Maori and Pakeha movers and shakers with positive suggestions. I sat next to a respected old kaumatua who suggested to me during the lunch break that we weren't united enough to throw a decent political punch and too many chiefs going in different directions.
Since then education has improved, and would improve more if it was left to qualified teachers on the job without ministry pencil-pushers and some politically confused politicians putting their oar in.
If we look at the provinces in New Zealand that are humming along well they all have in common good roads and a successful port. Agricultural and other industries established in these areas mostly make big profits for their few mega-rich owners. Northland needs such enterprises established but for the good of the people, so government money is needed to start the ball rolling in the North with eventual profits being ploughed back here. Private enterprise won't do it, as they can make more money where conditions are more favourable.