There goes the view
Recently we were advised that a property over the road from us, on Col Mould Drive, was to be built upon, and that the building could be a source of irritation given that it had the potential to affect our view and general outlook.
I contacted the council building inspector, and asked if he could confirm the fact that a relocatable house was approved to be placed on a constructed base. He confirmed that this was correct and invited me to contact him to discuss my concerns.
I duly called him, and asked if the building, when completed, would exceed the height of the present houses either side of the project. He advised that whatever the height was the project had been approved and that it did not require any resource consent application, and that there was no requirement to consult neighbours.
One night, at 3am a building was delivered to the site and placed on blocks pending the construction of the base. The building was way above the roof line between the adjoining houses, and created a rather imposing sight from our lounge window. (In fact it almost filled the window view.)