Beyond belief
Many people living in Northland do not believe that mining will create jobs or wealth, and say that it will pollute our environment for generations.
We want to put the interests of our mokopuna first by stopping the headlong rush towards selling Northland to overseas mining interests. This is the overwhelming conclusion of a hui held at Rawene on Saturday, July 14, attended by more than 60 local people.
People in Northland do not believe the exaggerated claims about jobs and money that are being made. Far North Mayor Wayne Brown says that mining will bring "billions of dollars" to Northland with "thousands of direct jobs and more indirect jobs". He says that "with numbers this big, precision isn't necessary".
Northland communities have never been consulted on mining, and the whole mining debate in Northland needs to start again, using independent and truthful data.
Why the rush to sell off mining permits so quickly without any debate with the communities of Northland, unless the proponents of mining have something to hide?