A massive breach
Many people have asked me to speak up on Ngati Hine's position in the wake of recent events regarding Sonny Tau and questions about his conduct and ability to continue to lead Ngpuhi in any capacity. Our position is no different now from that prior to his present dilemma. Sonny Tau was never a leader we empowered.
As to the present situation, we understand Ngai Tahu being aggrieved at the violation of their kaitiakitanga and their taonga. It is a massive breach of custom. We acknowledge that the mana of T" Taitokerau has been disgraced by these events, and this needs to be set right.
Sonny Tau may have to answer for his own transgression in another forum, but the shame he has brought on the very house he so righteously held up as the paragon of right and truth in the T" Taitokerau has been shaken to its foundation, and for that only the hapu of Ngpuhi can atone.
An individual who cannot respect rhui and the kaitiakitanga of another iwi is not a leader that should be empowered to lead. In the case of our own taonga, we need to move forward with mana and respect and a deeper understanding of our responsibilities of kaitiakitanga at home, before we look for it in others.