Simply madness
I refer to the excellent letter of Robin Shepherd recently and his condemnation of the suggestion that amateur snapper limits might reduce to three fish per person (Bad law, August 6).
While I have not a great deal of issue with the legal size being resized a few centimetres, to even countenance a reduced limit to three snapper is appalling in the extreme.
If, has been mooted, there is no intention to constrain the commercial netting practices of commercial trawlers, then government officials themselves need to face up to an extraordinary series of incompetent decisions historically, which only highlights how little they know about past decisions made and those planned in the future.
While there may be truth in the adage that 10 per cent of sports fishermen catch 90 per cent of the amateur take, we are talking about issues of Kiwi lifestyle that go way beyond the debate. This debate takes us into 90 per cent of our population at least in the so-called Snapper Zone, and the ramifications go way beyond a snapper for dinner.