What's going on?
I read your editorial of July 5 with awe. I'm new to this region. My God, I exclaimed to myself, this is not the ravings of the mainstream left-wing liberal media. Is there political incorrectness here in the Far North ?
First, I noted your mention of the lunacy of outlawing corporal punishment. Not only lunacy, which of course it is, but also part of the misanthropist Green agenda, and further, an example of the most dishonourable dismissal by Key of the overwhelming will of our people.
Then you went on to lay open the extraordinary negligence of our judiciary and our justice system in dealing with vicious killers.
Although I'm aware of innumerable occasions when the media has bent over backwards to avoid blaming our judges for the evils that they've unleashed into society, I can't think of any other occasion when a newspaper editor has had the guts to name and blame a judge, in this instance Sarah Katz, for her lack of judgement.