Soaring with eagles
An American mate sent an email alerting me to a boat race in San Francisco Bay. I replied that it's not just a boat race, it's who we are. Of course I know about it, since we get more America's Cup coverage than is healthy.
We are world champions in four international sports: rugby union, softball, rugby league, and soon again the America's Cup. We are sports mad here, so whenever we are competing on the international stage, that's what we watch.
We just collected our third successive Southern Hemisphere basketball championship, thanks to our Black imports. We can boast a few Olympic gold medal winners and we root for an ageing Samoan heavyweight contender who just keeps on fighting.
Our sports heroes remind us to eat loads of Weet-Bix. Everyone knows just who is winning at what and when. Since I can watch three rugby games at a sitting and then surf for a replay, it works for me. I hold out hope that with our increasing Indian and Chinese population, cricket and ping pong may be in our grasp.