Māori aged between 18 and 25 who are keen to make a difference in the Far North are being urged to apply for the Tuia Rangatahi Leadership Programme.
Two young Māori leaders from Te Tai Tokerau will be selected to participate in the national programme, which has a focus on Māori youth development, applications closing on Friday, February 7.
Participants will attend a series of four wānanga to be held across the country during the year, with all costs paid by the Far North District Council, which will also provide the mentors for the Far North 2020 Tuia programme in two of its newest councillors, Moko Tepania, who is also a kaiako at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kaikohe, and Rachel Smith.
"Tuia is an awesome programme for Māori youth development," Mr Tepania said.
The leadership programme is associated with the Mayor's Taskforce for Jobs, and aims to empower rangatahi Māori throughout New Zealand to build networks and contribute to their local communities.