After the success and enjoyment of their first time attending the annual Kaumatua Olympics in Hamilton last year, Te Hiku Hauora Korikori A Kaumatua Roopu decided it was time to bring a similar event closer to their neck of the woods.
The roopu [group] enjoyed the games thoroughly and this fanned their desire to hold a similar event closer to home with the opportunity to connect with kaumatua [elders] within their own rohe [area]. From that, and further korero [discussion], the idea for the Te Hiku Hauora Kaumatua Games was born.
Noting this inaugural event will take place on Wednesday, May 20, at Te Rangi Aniwaniwa gymnasium, Korikori A Kaumatua kaimahi [organiser] Roberta McLean promised a day filled with whakawhanaungatanga [companionship], good kai and company.
"It will be a great opportunity for kaumatua to participate in physical activity; connect with each other, play games, dress up and win some prizes and most of all just enjoy being a kaumatua."
Organisers hoped to attract kaumatua from all over the Far North region to share in the day. Entry fee is only $10 which also includes lunch. Registrations are now being taken, email Roberta McLean on, or phone (09) 408-4024.