It requires a broad range of achievement at the highest level to be named Dux and Proxime Accessit at Kaitaia College, and the recipients of those awards last week qualified with ease, both beginning as Year 9 students in 2015.
The Dux trophy was awarded to Jos Spaans, with Samantha Steed Proxime Accessit.
Jos also received University of Auckland and the Nolan Richards scholarships, along with prizes for excellence in chemistry and physics. He won the Joseph Cowie Memorial Cup for general excellence in academic attainment, sport and leadership, and the Te Amo-haere Rudolph Memorial Trophy for encapsulating the kura values of manaaki, achievement, hau kainga and integrity.
Samantha received a Waikato University scholarship, the prizes for excellence in classical studies and history, and the Miller Memorial Prize for excellence in mathematics with calculus.
Jos began compiling his record of academic achievement in Year 9, earning an excellence course endorsement for NCEA Level 1 mathematics. The following year he achieved Level 1 with excellence, including Level 1 history and Level 2 mathematics with excellence. In Year 11 he gained NCEA Level 2 with excellence, Level 1 English and science, and Level 2 geography, with excellence and Level 1 physical education, Level 2 history and Level 3 calculus with merit.