The Freshwater and Natural Resources Iwi Leaders' groups have applauded the "gains" achieved by the Maori Party in amending the government's Resource Management Act this week.
"The Maori Party has negotiated significant concessions that, on balance, we believe move tangata whenua a significant step forwards in ensuring the RMA, arguably the Act with the most significant impact on our lands and waterways, begins to enable giving effect to our role as kaitiaki," Natural Resources group chairman Selwyn Parata said.
The many hui convened by the group across the country in recent years had seen iwi, hapu, whanau and Maori trusts and incorporations consistently relay the view that if Maori were at the decision-making table regarding the management and governance of natural resources, the state of the Taiao would not be in such a poor condition, and genuine, sustainable economic development would not just be an aspiration, but a reality.
That advocacy and technical work, carried out by the group with Ministers to make changes to the operating framework, had now been also supported by the Maori Party in the recent amendments.
Working closely with the Freshwater Iwi Advisers' Group, the Maori Party's creation of Mana Whakahono a rohe agreements in the RMA were a step forward for those iwi and hapu who had been turned away from the decision-making table, Mr Parata added.