Resident Tracey Heka told a public meeting on the Kaimaumau foreshore last month that she was going to erect a gate to prevent vehicles from driving past her home, and others. The road provides the only vehicular access to the western side of Rangaunu Harbour and East Beach.
Yesterday a pipe gate was in place, 400m from the end of the seal, but it was wide open.
Far North District Council chief executive Shaun Clarke said yesterday that the council was currently engaged with "interested parties," working to identify the specific issues that needed to be addressed. In the meantime, the council remained committed to retaining full access for all road users on council-owned roads.
The issues at Kaimaumau were not yet resolved, but the council was grateful for the willingness of all parties to engage, and for the tone of the conversation. There was to be another meeting yesterday afternoon.
One point of contention was around the alleged encroachment of Kaimaumau Rd on private land that was of "particular interest to complainants." It had been confirmed by survey, however, that it was council-owned, clear of any private interests, and was therefore a public road.