Ikaroa-Rāwhiti candidate Heather TeAu-Skipworth says the Māori Party will invest millions of dollars in Māori sport if it is in a position to do so after next month's election.
It would establish and fund a national Māori sporting body, targeting Māori sporting codes and sports with high Māori participation; establish a $100 million Whānau Pakari fund over three years to invest in Māori sporting codes; funding Māori sporting academies that incorporated Whānau Pakari principles; funding scholarships to ensure that barriers for Māori were eliminated; funding iwi and hapū Pā Wars events; upskill volunteers and coaches in sporting codes with high Māori participation; ensure that funds went directly to Māori rather than regional sporting bodies; ensure sporting codes with high Māori participation had Māori governing boards, allowing them to compete individually at world cup events as Aotearoa Māori; and provide a Māori sports mentoring programme, delivering tertiary education opportunities and career pathways for life beyond sport.
"Exercise has been a big part of who we are, how we came here and how we would traverse the lands of Aotearoa," TeAu-Skipworth said.
"Māori invented many sports prior to European arrival - running, swimming, fishing, waka, hunting, kī o rahi, taiaha/mau rakau/te whare tū taua, to name a few - all examples of a tūpuna mindset, an ancestral way of being and acting that we call Whānau Pakari...
"There is much to be taught and learnt from the navigators of our past and how we can use that mātauranga to sail and paddle our way into a future frame by Whānau Pakari.