"This time I asked Kyle to box smarter, run and make Xavier chase him," said coach Rusty.
"He would stop every now and then and throw a right hand straight down the middle. This punch caught Xavier every time, frustrating him and making him run straight into Kyle's combinations."
Kyle won the match by unanimous decision.
Seventeen-year-old Blake Hodges (70kg) was up against Hokio Adams of Hamilton.
Blake used a combination of jabs and moved around to score points from the outside. His coach's main advice was to "not let Hokio trap you against the ropes or corners".
This he did, winning the match convincingly.
The nationals gives both boxers the chance to be champions in their age groups in New Zealand.
Blake has been a member of the nationals team but this is Kyle's first time.
Both boxers have 'upped their ante' slightly in preparation for the national tournament and Rusty has high hopes for them both.
"I think they both have a good chance. They've worked hard to where they are now and we're all proud of their achievements so far."
Kaeo Boxing Club, which has been operating for over 35 years and has over 30 boxing members, has a fine reputation of turning out great boxers.
Coach Rusty Porter would like to thank their fellow gym members and parents who have helped prepare these boys for these tournaments.