SH10 sealing
New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi has workers chipsealing on State Highway 10 near Waipapa from today. Three sites are planned for chipsealing – south of Waimate North Rd, between the Waipekakoura River and Kahikatearoa Lane, and at Pungaere Rd.
All work will be carried out at night under stop/go traffic management to minimise disruption for road users, with work at each site scheduled to take one night to complete. Temporary speed limits and traffic management will remain in place the following day to guide traffic over the new seal and help to embed it successfully.
It’s important to slow down when driving on newly sealed sections of road because small chips can be flicked up from the road surface and damage vehicles – especially windscreens. As well as acting as a safety measure, the temporary speed limit also helps ensure the quality of the reseal. This work is expected to be complete by mid-February, weather dependent.
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