Te Wakameninga o nga hapu Ngapuhi spokesman Bryce Smith has been hearing rumours that Ngapuhi who are working in Australia's mining industry are being encouraged to return to the North by companies wanting them to carry out mineral exploration in the region later this month. And he warned last week that they would not be welcome.
"We will always welcome our people home, but if they return intending to carry out mineral exploration, we say you're not welcome home to do that. The tangata whenua of Australia have been overridden, divided and conquered in this way by governments working with mining corporations. We don't want you to be part of that here," he said.
"We want Ngapuhi to pass this message on to their overseas whanau."
Mr Smith noted that last week Finance Minister Bill English had commented on the North's rejection of many government attempts at regional development, and it was happening again, because the government hadn't been listening.
"Across the North we have employment and environment aspirations, and none of them involve removing the resources underground and under the sea for the benefit of toxic mining or oil corporations. We will determine our own future," he said.