Kaitaia Museum is looking for more volunteers, and curator/heritage manager Don Hammond knows exactly which quality he's looking for - the gift of the gab.
The museum benefited greatly from the commitment of a small core of volunteers, who continued to give sterling service, and whose efforts had seen indexing projects, visitor experience, the creation of exhibit components, and the collection, storage and digitisation of photo negatives progress this year.
"Without these wonderful people it would be extremely difficult to make a great deal of headway in these essential areas of the museum's operation," he said, but the new reception area at the entrance, off the atrium at Te Ahu, had created new possibilities in terms of welcoming visitors.
"We're looking for a small number of people, not necessarily au fait with the museum and all that we have here - that will come naturally - but with passion for what we do and the history we help to preserve, and who will be happy to greet visitors, make them feel welcome and chat with them, if that's what they want,"Don said.
Anyone who was interested was welcome to drop in at the museum, or to call him on (09) 408-9454 or (09) 408-9457.