Arts Far North is gearing up for a new festival in a couple of weeks, at Te Ahu in Kaitaia over Friday and Saturday July 16-17.
"Its a bit of an experiment," organiser Geraldine Pennell said.
"This year, for the first time, we are holding a festival in mid-winter, celebrating local talent. Building on the success of the summer Art Festival, which is now an established event every November, we are holding an Artisan's Affair at the larger venue of Te Ahu. The emphasis is a little different too. More than 30 individuals and local businesses will be under one roof, offering a huge range of bespoke artisanal products to attract custom from locals and from visitors who may be making a visit to the Winterless North during the school holidays."
The goods for sale would include hand-crafted items ranging from toys to jewellery, clothing (felted hats and cloaks, up-cycled tie dresses, hand-spun and knitted or woven) to decorative and useful items from Made with Love, winter floral art, some fine arts, photography, pottery and wood carving, and much more.
A range of artisan food, drink and refreshments would also be available.