Kaitaia Primary School teacher Zoë Brown is hardly alone in inspiring her pupils to take an interest in gardening, but she is starting right at the beginning - constructing garden beds with a very appropriate building material.
Her class, and three others, are manufacturing eco-bricks, PET plastic bottles of any kind or size, filled with dry, clean plastic waste from cling film, packaging and bubble wrap to cut-up yoghurt pottles, onion bags, chip packets, bread bags - "basically anything. It just needs to be clean," she said.
"You push the plastic down to compact it within the bottle."
There was a strong environmental element too, beyond saving waste going to landfill, the preferred method of collection being picking up rubbish in places where it shouldn't be, like waterways, parks, roadsides and school grounds.
"We are then using the eco-bricks to build a garden for us to grow our own fruit and veges," Brown said.