Far North Mayoress Leoni Carter doesn't have much trouble filling in her day, but she will squeeze one more role into a hectic schedule next week - hosting Pink Ribbon breakfasts in Kaitaia, Kerikeri Breakfasts will be served from 7-9am at Kaitaia's Te Ahu Centre on Monday, the district council chambers in Kaikohe on Wednesday and Flourflower, 2 Cochrane Drive, Kerikeri (off Waipapa Road) on Friday.
Email Adele Thomson at Adele.Thomson@fndc.govt.nz to book a place. And those who won't be able to make one of the venues are invited to go to www.pinkribbonbreakfast.co.nz and search for 'mayoress breakfast' to make a donation.
The menu will include muesli and yoghurt or a savoury or sweet muffin, tea, coffee or juice, for $10 per person, while district councillor and Northland DHB deputy chair Sally Macauley will speak, along with breast cancer specialists. A lucky dip, a competition (guessing how many marshmallows are in a jar) and spot prizes will also be on the agenda, and donations of pink items for selling, such as baking, will be welcome.
Mrs Carter said with eight new diagnoses each day, every woman knew someone who had been affected by breast cancer.
"We all need to do our bit to support an organisation that's funding research to save lives," she said.