Whatuwhiwhi resident and businessman John McMahon was pleased to hear last week that Whatuwhiwhi Top 10 Holiday Park had withdrawn its bid to lease part of the Perehipe reserve, which Far North District Council offered - but he wants much more than that.
"It was probably inevitable (that the application would be withdrawn). It was never going to go away," he said, "but this is just the first step. The issue is still the council and its absolutely bloody-minded unwillingness to listen."
Read more: Anger brewing on Perehipe Reserve
Letters: Perehipe Reserve isn't small
Submissions had been overwhelmingly opposed to the lease, and that still needed to be addressed, he said, ideally by an independent assessment of a process taken that had failed to meet the community's rightful expectation or acceptable standard of accountability.
"It seems to have been pre-determined from beginning to end," Mr McMahon said. "I believe we were only consulted so the council could say it had done that. It had had already decided what the outcome would be."